Welcome !
Welcome to the resource page created for Thompson Valley School District Educators by the Geek Squad presenters ( IE: Laura Israelson, Jenn Congedo, and Michelle Pearson ) .
We love parking lots filled with resources so here is yours! Feel free to access this over the course of your school year as we will continue to add to it as our year together progresses.
Our Goals:
Session 1:
EQ: How do we use pre-assessments and questioning to guide instruction and ensure student success
- o Give a basic refresher on pre-assessment and discuss what we know about it as professionals
- o Give key strategies for pre-assessment in the classroom setting
- o Be able to tie pre-assessment strategies to the TVSD Standards Placemats
- o Discuss culturally responsive pre-assessments
- o Discuss the rewards and challenges of using differentiated pre-assessments in the classroom
Resource Pages:
Standards (State and District Links)
Inquiry and Higher Level Thinking
21st Century Learning
Professional Resources
Questioning Resources
Our Disclaimer:
We are professionals from the Adams 12 School District. Content on this wiki is meant to be shared and is for free use in the classroom with correct citation.
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